Imagining Lithuania: 100 years, 100 visions, 1918-2018
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The book “Imagining Lithuania: 100 years, 100 visions 1918-2018” offers to look at the unpredictable and turbulent 20th century through the possible scenarios of Lithuania's development as envisaged by scientists, artists, enthusiasts, politicians and the society in the past.
Imagining Lithuania: 100 years, 100 visions, 1918-2018 , edited by Norbertas Černiauskas, Marija Drėmaitė, Tomas Vaiseta], [Vilnius]: [Lithuanian Culture Institute], [2018]. – 205, [2] p.: illustration, fax, image, ISBN: 9786098015638
Specially for participation in the "Baltic Countries Market Focus" program of the London book fair and commemorating the 100th anniversary of the restored state of Lithuania, the Institute of Lithuanian Culture published a collection of 100 visions " Imagining Lithuania. 100 Years, 100 Visions. 1918-2018 ".
Grāmata “Iztēlojoties Lietuvu: 100 gadi, 100 vīzijas 1918-2018” piedāvā palūkoties uz neprognozējamo un vētraino 20.gadsimtu caur iespējamiem Lietuvas attīstības scenārijiem, kādus pagātnē bija paredzējuši zinātnieki, mākslinieki, entuziasti, politiķi un sabiedrība.
Iedomājoties Lietuvu: 100 gadi, 100 vīzijas, 1918-2018 , rediģēja Norberts Černiauskas, Marija Drėmaitė, Tomas Vaiseta], [Viļņa]: [Lietuvas Kultūras institūts], [2018]. – 205, [2] lpp.: ilustrācija, fakss, attēls, ISBN: 9786098015638