Children's Books
Ārā plosās vētra, un Persijam parka apsaimniekotājam ir bezmiega nakts. Kad nākamajā rītā viņš pieceļas, Persijs
atklāj, ka vecais ozols ir uzspridzināts. Tā ir katastrofa viņa dzīvnieku draugiem, kas tur dzīvo, bet Persijs drīz vien
izdomā plānu, kā palīdzēt saviem mazajiem draugiem atrast jaunas mājas.
Celebrate thirty years of Percy the Park Keeper and his animal friends with this funny story in the classic series from award-winning author and illustrator Nick Butterworth!
A storm is raging outside and Percy the park keeper is having a sleepless night. When he gets up the following morning, Percy finds that the old oak tree has been blown down. It is a disaster for his animal friends who live there, but Percy is soon devising a plan to help his little friends find new homes.