Professional Event Coordination (The Wiley Event Management Series) Julia Rutherford Silvers
- Grāmatas, kas izdotas līdz2010.gadam
Norādītā cena ir spēkā, pasūtot preci 12.03.2025.
Visaptverošs ceļvedis par pasākumu koordinatoru būtiskajām kompetencēm
Profesionālā notikumu koordinēšana pārbauda pilnu notikumu plānošanas procesu un nodrošina rīkus un
stratēģijas, lai efektīvi iepirktu, organizētu, īstenotu un uzraudzītu visus produktus, pakalpojumus un pakalpojumu
sniedzējus, kas nodrošinās notikuma norisi.
Introducing a clear path toward event excellence
A comprehensive guide to essential competencies for event coordinators
Professional Event Coordination examines the full event planning process and provides the tools and strategies to effectively procure, organize, implement, and monitor all the products, services, and service providers that will bring an event to life. After establishing each layer of the anatomy of an event, this in-depth guide covers:
- Event design
- Project management techniques
- Site selection and development
- Infrastructure services
- Entertainment possibilities
- Food and beverage options
- Safety and security
- Inviting attendees
In addition to dozens of checklists, tables, and figures, this complete guidebook is enhanced with On-Site Insights (real-world examples), Technology Tips, and Exercises in Professional Event Coordination (reinforcement exercises that help in preparation for the CSEP certification exam).
A versatile tool that is effective for all types of events–for small functions with ten guests to major festivals with 10,000 attendees–Professional Event Coordination is a valuable book for every professional who works events, including event managers, caterers, event planners, and hotel and food and beverage managers.
The Wiley Event Management Series–Series Editor, Dr. Joe Goldblatt, CSEP
The Wiley Event Management Series provides professionals with the essential knowledge and cutting-edge tools they need to excel in one of the most exciting and rapidly growing sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. Written by recognized experts in the field, the volumes in the series cover the research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation methods as well as specialized areas of event management.