

Suspicion of money laundering. Andreas Insam

kods: EN128
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Norādītā cena ir spēkā, pasūtot preci 07.02.2025.

Banku uzņēmumi, kas ir veikuši starptautiskos monetāros darījumus savā specializētajā jomā, tagad aizņem vairāk nekā 10% savu darbinieku ar tēmu “due diligence”. Praktiski katrs bankas darījums ir jāizmeklē attiecībā uz tā 

ekonomiskajiem faktiem.


Banking businesses that have made international monetary transactions their specialist area are now occupying more than 10 % of their employees with the topic of “due diligence. Practically every single bank transaction must be investigated with regard to its economic facts.
In practice this means collating purchase agreements, goods invoices and agreements under private law, which are frequently written in foreign languages. The plausibility check requires translations and, not uncommonly, extensive research at the customer’s premises. Bank archives overflow, the costs incurred for banking institutions and customers explode. At the same time, international money laundering statistics (suspicious transaction reports, cases pursued, charges brought, convictions) are showing a disappointing cost-benefit ratio. The question is whether due diligence obligations can still be increased meaningfully.