Balstoties uz pirmā izdevuma panākumiem, Deivids Pickton un Amanda Broderika ir pārstrukturējuši šo izdevumu, lai padarītu skaidrākus trīs mārketinga komunikāciju modeļus. Katrs modelis ir skaidri attēlots grafiski katras daļas sākumā, lai nodrošinātu vizuālu “maršruta karti” visā grāmatā. Šajā dzīvīgajā tekstā ir izmantota Eiropas pieeja, un tajā ir ietverts visaptverošs tirgus komunikācijas elementu kopums. Ideāli piemērots tiem, kas pēta vispārīgos mārketinga paziņojumus, grāmata arī aicina studentus apgūt reklāmas, sabiedriskās attiecības, pārdošanas veicināšanas vai tiešā mārketinga kursus.
Integrated Marketing Communications, 2e
Takes into account all aspects and elements of marketing communications. Based on the success of the first edition, David Pickton and Amanda Broderick have restructured this edition to make the three marketing communications models more explicit. Each model is clearly displayed graphically at the beginning of each part to provide a visual ‘route map’ throughout the book. This lively text takes a European approach and provides comprehensive coverage of the marketing communications mix elements. Ideal for those studying general marketing communications, the book also appeals to students taking advertising, public relations, sales promotions, or direct marketing courses.
Key features include:
- a logical structure around the three key models of marketing communications―the IMC Process Model, the IMC RABOSTIC Planning Model, and the IMC Mix Model
- applied, real-world examples, including viewpoints from leading practitioners and academics
- relevant case material covering a wide variety of sectors and marketing scenarios
- robust pedagogy in each chapter, including viewpoints, objectives, chapter summaries, self-review and discussion questions, marginal and end of book glossaries. Text features include Need to Know, Food for Thoughts, and Warnings.
- unprecedented coverage of all elements of the marketing communications mix with separate chapters covering internet marketing, ethical issues, international marketing communications, direct and database marketing, creative and organisational issues, customer contact management, image and brand management and measuring integrated marketing communications.
- NEW! Restructuring of Part 2 Model (RABOSTIC Planning Model which features major stages involved in marketing communications planning and strategy)
- NEW! Integrating case study with questions posed at the start of each chapter
- NEW! CD ROM packed with more details on the integrative cases, other case material, Power Point slides, a Resource Locator which provides links to a vast array of Internet materials