Literature & Fiction
The Overlook. Michael Connely
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Norādītā cena ir spēkā, pasūtot preci 22.02.2025.
Kad kāds fiziķis TIEK noslepkavots, šķiet, slepkava nebaidās no publicitātes, atstājot līķi uz Mulholland, uz vietas ar satriecošu skatu pār pilsētu. Un, kad atklājas, ka upuris pirms nāves nodevis slepkavam kādu daudzumu nāvējošas ķīmiskās vielas, Harijs zina, ka viņam ir vairāk nekā tikai viena nāve, par ko uztraukties.
Līdzās Iekšzemes drošības spēkiem Harijs saprot, ka viņam jāatrisina slepkavība vai jāsaskaras ar
neiedomājamām sekām.
An execution on the overlook above the Mulholland Dam entangles Bosch with FBI Agent Rachel Walling and Homeland Security. The brilliant thirteenth Harry Bosch novel from the award-winning No. 1 bestselling author.
When a physicist is murdered in LA, it seems the killer has no fear of publicity, leaving the body on the Mulholland overlook, a site with a stunning view over the city. And when it's discovered that the victim turned over a quantity of a lethal chemical to his killer before he died, Harry knows he has more than just a single death to worry about.
Alongside the forces of Homeland Security, Harry realises he must solve the murder or face unimaginable consequences.