Literature & Fiction
The girl who lived twice. David Lagercrantz
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Norādītā cena ir spēkā, pasūtot preci 07.03.2025.
“Girl Who Lived Twice” ir sestais romāns Tūkstošgades sērijā, kurā pievēršas personāžiem Lisbeta Salanders un Mikaels Blomkvists.
Lisbetas Salanskas mentors un aizstāvis Holgers Palmgrēns ir miris, un kopš viņa bērēm viņa ir prom no Stokholmas. Visu vasaru Mikaēls Blomkvists ir jutis bailes, ka Salandera ienaidnieki nāks viņai pakaļ.
Varbūt viņam vajadzētu vairāk raizēties par sevi.
The Girl Who Lived Twice is the sixth novel in the Millennium series, focusing on the characters Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist. Written by David Lagercrantz, this is the third novel in the series not authored by the series' creator and author of the first three Millennium books, Stieg Larsson.
"What are you going to do now?"
"I will be the hunter and not the hunted."
Lisbeth Salander's mentor and protector Holger Palmgren is dead, and she has been gone from Stockholm since his funeral. All summer, Mikael Blomkvist has been plagued by the fear that Salander's enemies will come after her.
He should, perhaps, be more concerned for himself.
In the pocket of an unidentified homeless man, who died with the name of a Swedish government minister on his lips, the police find a list of telephone numbers. Among them, the contact for Millennium magazine and the investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist. Following the scorched trail of her twin sister Camilla to Moscow, Salander nevertheless continues to watch over her old friend. Soon Blomkvist will need her help. But first, she has an old score to settle; and fresh outrage to avenge.
The next episode in David Lagercrantz's acclaimed continuation of Stieg Larsson's Dragon Tattoo series is a thrilling ride that scales the heights of Everest and plunges the depths of Russia's criminal underworld. In a climax of shattering violence, Lisbeth Salander will face her nemesis. For the girl with the dragon tattoo, the personal is always political - and ultimately deadly.